Tuesday, 21 July 2009


last Friday, myself and some good friends graduated from University of Glamorgan, Atrium.
It was Great to see some of the faces that i havnt seen much of over the last month and we had a very big, alcohol fueled celebration to round off our 4 years together.
Jamie and Joe are still up in Scotland at the moment, so the plan is to go up with Alex and visit them for a weekend within the next month before they come home - dont worry they were home for graduation - as seen in the picture of me and them below.

So whats the plan now? Animate and job hunt i guess.lol
and to stay in touch and still see my friends.

Here are two pics for you to have a look at -

Jamie,Joseph and Myself @ Graduation


The gang - close friends from the last few years :)

The Gang

and ofcourse me at the bottom :)


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