Wednesday, 16 September 2009

Work In Progress - Running

Hey Guys and Gals

Sorry I havnt done a blog since July. I have had alot on and not really got round to posting anything new.

Got a little Something here for you to have a look at

Its a bottom half of a run.

I have been looking at run's latley and decided start one with the hips down before adding the upper body.

You can see this below :)

A Big shout out to John and Joseph for landing a Job at Krytek.
Well done boys, all the gang are proud of you and I wish you the Best of Luck with the new job.


Tuesday, 21 July 2009


last Friday, myself and some good friends graduated from University of Glamorgan, Atrium.
It was Great to see some of the faces that i havnt seen much of over the last month and we had a very big, alcohol fueled celebration to round off our 4 years together.
Jamie and Joe are still up in Scotland at the moment, so the plan is to go up with Alex and visit them for a weekend within the next month before they come home - dont worry they were home for graduation - as seen in the picture of me and them below.

So whats the plan now? Animate and job hunt i
and to stay in touch and still see my friends.

Here are two pics for you to have a look at -

Jamie,Joseph and Myself @ Graduation


The gang - close friends from the last few years :)

The Gang

and ofcourse me at the bottom :)


Thursday, 4 June 2009

Showreel June 2009

For some reason the video didnt show up on my last post.

So here it is.......


End of an Era.......

So this week saw my last week in university...
Its quite a sad time for me as I will not be seeing as much of all the amazing friends and people I have met over the last four years.
However im sure it will not be the last time I see their faces.
Now that I am being let out into the big wide world, I have put together a showreel.
My Showreel is just a small sample of the work I have been working on for the last 6 months.
as time goes on i will be adding and changing around peices of work that i have produced.

on another note......

Myself and Alex ( ) went to see Terminator Salvation yesterday.
i was pleasantly suprised with how good the film was. Infact, I loved it. The CG was very well done, especially the Arnie cameo......
I wont say any more about it as I dont want to spoil go watch it!!

Anyway ill leave you with my showreel.........


Tuesday, 3 March 2009

The Double Bounce and a bit of Music


so im working on a double bounce walk at the moment.
its a bit of a challange, but its great fun to try and re-create the 1930's double bounce.
here is what i have so far, its early stages, just trying to get the body and legs working.....

Also i have started a new dialouge peice for uni.

i decided to do something a little different.

i wanted to bring the musical element that disney and other animation studios bring to there 2D productions to Computer animation -

so iv started a block out.not quite sure on some of the poses, but i only really started it yesterday so its a long way to go.

the clip is from FAME the musical, the song is - I want to make magic

aswell as these two i have a lot on at the moment so i try and keep u posted best i can

i cant seem to post the video in this i will upload it on another blog :)

bye for now
